Saturday, January 9, 2010
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
THE TRUE FACE OF THE ENEMY - This is what we are facing
These are daily occurrences...
Warning! The typical islam acts....
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bosch Fawstin - ProPIGanda
You must take a look and see the excellent work from the artist Bosch Fawstin -
This graphic novel, THE INFIDEL, is about twin brothers whose Muslim background comes to the forefront of their lives on 9/11. One responds by creating a counter-jihad superhero comic book called PIGMAN, as the other surrenders to Islam and becomes a Born Again Muslim, following the faith to wherever it leads him.
Due to a song that is "matches third party" I was not able to upload it on youtube, but you can always go to my youtube channel and check out the older version The video is now on display. Please comment, fave, & subscribe.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Made in Amerikah - Homegrown Jihadists & Terrorists Traning Camps
“THE TERRORISTS ARE COMING” No, they aren’t, they’re already here.
JIHAD IN OHIO….yes, OHIO! Terrorists in the heartland.
The heartland of America is no stranger to radical Islam. There’s a network of Islamic extremism tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood right in the heart of Central Ohio.
OHIO hate preacher Sheikh Khalid Yasin justifies terrorism, calls Christian and Jewish beliefs filth, and blames America for 9/11 and the AIDS virus.
Yet he is still allowed to lecture at a local college.
OHIO Terror Sheikh Salah Sultan, president of American Center for Islamic Research in Columbus says the 9/11 attacks were planned within the U.S. in order to enable the U.S. to control and terrorize the entire world.
Gee, he sounds just like the liberals in this country.
I wonder how much money our government gives his organization?
GOODBYE COLUMBUS. Ohio man, accused of helping al Qaeda in plots to bomb vacation resorts popular with Americans and an Ohio mall, using WMDs, pleads guilty to working with terrorists.
Beware the neighbors wearing beards and funny clothes. Converts to Islam are among the most virulent of terrorists.
NORTH CAROLINA: Hezbollah Terror Cell, said to be more dangerous than al Qaeda, is STILL in operation in Charlotte even though it was first discovered in 2002.
Mohammed Hamoud and his brother were convicted in Charlotte of smuggling cigarettes and funneling the money to Hezbollah. Prosecutors said they were the head of a secret Hezbollah cell. Ken Bell got thirteen guilty pleas, three convictions, and one deportation in the cigarette case. Still the FBI believes Hezbollah has not left Charlotte.
Well, how about deporting the rest of them, ICE/FBI? Well, actually let's just play their game and do to them what they want to do to us.
PENNSYLVANIA: FBI videos show Fort Dix terrorists training in the Poconos, but lawyers for the defendants said they were not planning anything.
No, of course they weren’t planning anything, they were just nice Muslim boys enjoying the fresh mountain air, while firing guns and shouting “Allah akbar.” Federal officials released dozens of video and audio tapes from the terrorism trial of five men accused of planning an attack on the Fort Dix Army training base in New Jersey. Prosecutors said during opening statements that the men were inspired by al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.
The tapes show some of the defendants training with automatic weapons at a firing range in the Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania. Others are downloads and tapes seized from the suspects’ homes that show the killing of American troops in Iraq.
VIRGINIA: Naming American streets after ISLAMIC TERRORISTS? What’s next - Changing Pennsylvania Avenue to Osama bin Laden Blvd?
A road named after international terrorist, “Sheikh Gilani Lane,” is causing outrage from residents of Charlotte County, VA.
INDIANA: The Islamic Society of North America is known to be funding charities that are fronts for terrorist organizations.
Notice how the female commentator seems to sympathize with the Muslims, yet questions the motives of Steve Emerson, renowned expert on Islamic terrorism.
One out of four U.S. Muslims believes SUICIDE BOMBINGS AGAINST CIVILIANS are OK.
26% of young Muslim-Americans justify suicide bombings
27% of Muslim-Americans refuse to condemn al-Qaeda
60% of Muslim-Americans don’t believe that Arab men had anything to do with 9/11.
There are between 6 - 7 million Muslims in the United States. You do the math.
HOMEGROWN JIHAD: Terrorist Camps in 22 states around the U.S.
The Christian Action Network(CAN) has produced an important new film about the 35 para-military training camps in 22 states in the U.S. and Canada. These camps are sponsored by the terrorist group Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF) or “community of the impoverished” and its notorious Pakistani founder, Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani. The film is entitled: “Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the U.S” This is an important documentary on a subject I’ve written about in theNew English Review,” Jamaat ul-Fuqra: The best positioned group to help al-Qaeda launch an attack in the US.” I noted the following in the NER article on JF:
..The group here in the US has committed attacks and robberies, acquired contraband arms, engaging in counterfeiting activities, and proselytized effectively among Afro-American prison inmates. JF members participated in the 1993 terror bombing of the World Trade Center.
..JF seeks to “purify Islam” through violence.
..What is of great concern is that federal and state law enforcement authorities have investigated and monitored JF and its front group Muslims of the Americas (MoA) and delisted the group as a terrorist organization. Nor has the IRS taken away MoA’s charitable tax exempt status.

.. ..
MORE HOMEGROWN JIHAD: Terrorist Training Compunds on American soil recruiting American Muslims.
In never-before-seen video footage, the Christian Action Network exposes these dangerous terrorist compounds and reveals for the first time a secret training tape in which American Muslims are recruited to join one of the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare right here in America! They are called Soldiers of Allah and they are trained in explosives, kidnapping, murder, firing weapons, and guerilla warfare. They are told, “Act like you are a friend, then kill him just like from the book.”
Groups like the Muslim American Society, a US offshoot of the terrorist group, The Muslim Brotherhood, use political (soft) jihad to accomplish the same goals as that of their terrorist cousins - the eventual overthrow of the US government to be replaced by Shari’a Law.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The images from this trailer are from training camps here in the U.S.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra Terrorists Traning Camps in the United States


Friday, January 16, 2009
From Debka:
The most up-to-date intelligence predictions of US nuclear experts is that by the end of 2009, Iran will have stocked enough weapons-grade fuel to build three nuclear bombs. (SEE NASIC REPORT BELOW)
The first will be ready for assembly by the time Barack Obama is sworn in as US president on January 20, 2009; the second shortly after Israel’s February 10, 2009 general election produces a new prime minister, and the third by the end of the year.
Iran may deny the latest IAEA conclusion that it has stockpiled 630 kg of low-enriched uranium, enough to upgrade a nuclear weapon. But Tehran’s limited on-and-off cooperation with the nuclear watchdog leaves it wide open to the suspicion of a secret location churning out enriched uranium far from the declared Natanz facility. (AND THEY STILL DENY THAT THEY HAVEN'T VIOLATED THE NPT TREATY WHEN THEY CLEARLY DID ALONG WITH THE NORTH KOREANS LAST YEAR IN SYRIA)
So what happened to the pledges made by the world powers over the years to keep nuclear weapons out of the Islamic Republic’s hands, including declarations by US and Israeli leaders that their military options remained “on the table?” Those pledges came from Israeli leaders on both sides of the aisle – prime minister Ehud Olmert, foreign minister Tzipi Livni (who has replaced him as Kadima chairman), defense minister Ehud Barak and opposition Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu.
DEBKAfile’s political analysts comment: Their pledges have turned out to be as credible as the subsequence assurances of Olmert and his finance minister Ronnie Bar-On that the global economic crisis had skipped Israel and the public’s savings and investments were safe.
This week, Israelis woke up to find one-third of their pension funds wiped out - and a nuclear-armed Iran on their horizon.
Next year, Tehran may stage an underground atomic test to show Muslims everywhere what the Shiites can do and confront the new US and Israeli governments with its unstoppable nuclear capability. That is unless Olmert, Livni, and Barak are moved to fight the strong trend toward a Likud election victory by going belatedly after Iran’s nuclear facilities in the short weeks remaining for the ballot.
However, although the Olmert government had the Syrian reactor bombed in September 2007 while it was still under construction, DEBKAfile’s political sources doubt whether they are politically and personally capable today of repeating that success against Iran.
Barak is consistent in ducking military action: He lost power in 2000 after refusing to pre-empt Yasser Arafat’s planned Palestinian terror war against Israel. As defense minister, he has declined to halt Hizballah’s rocket build-up in Lebanon or put the lid on the Palestinian missile offensive from Gaza. He preferred a shaky truce, which left Hamas and fellow-fundamentalist Palestinian terrorists backed by Iran and Syria to violate at will. This policy is backed by Olmert and Livni.
Saturday, Nov. 22, Hizballah launched a large-scale military exercise in South Lebanon, including in areas policed by UN peacemakers which are barred to Hizballah militiamen under UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which Livni helped draft in 2006.
According to DEBKAfile’s military sources, the years from 2002 to 2006, when Ariel Sharon and his faithful disciples Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni, were then in power were the best time for halting Iran’s race for a nuclear bomb by military action. Now it will be harder. Their favorite mantra was that George W. Bush was “the friendliest US president Israel had ever had.” He could be counted on to halt Iran’s nuclearization if Israel made the running with territorial concessions that opened the door to a Washington-sponsored peace with the Palestinians.
This claim validated Israel’s unilateral pullout from the Gaza Strip in 2005 at a time when it would have been easier – and smarter - to focus on destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities than today. Likud leader, Netanyahu was minister of finance in the Sharon government, until he quit later over the controversial Gaza disengagement.
Livn, closely aligned with Condoleezza Rice and Washington's ineffectual drive for painful sanctions, played her part in this strategy with her favorite formula: A nuclear Iran is a world problem which should be left to the international community to solve.
Today, the Israeli public, on the evidence of the UN nuclear watchdog, can justly claim it was conned by its leaders. The Jewish state’s most active enemy, the terrorist sponsor in Tehran, was allowed to go all the way towards acquiring the ultimate weapon of destruction.
Instead of admitting they missed the train, those leaders and “the international community,” continue to try and lull troubled spirits with more deception, pretending that the peril of a nuclear-armed Iran can still be averted by more of their failed diplomacy.
And certain “experts” were enlisted to play down Iran’s delivery capability by dismissing its new Sejil ballistic missile, test-fired on Nov. 12, as no better than the Shehab-3 as a vehicle for delivering a nuclear warhead.
Israeli and Western missile experts familiar with Iran’s arsenal define the Sejil test a breakthrough in its missile technology.
The missile’s unique features were disclosed in the last issue of DEBKA-Net-Weekly out on Friday, Nov. 21, 2009.
Israeli government publicists are now leaking a new thesis to tame reporters: A nuclear-armed Iran should not cause alarm. A quote from a closed symposium by an unidentified official set the tone: “We mustn’t be scared by a little Persian with a big bomb.”
Having failed to aver this existential danger to Israel, they were now trying to convince people that the holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his nuclear bomb can be safely ignored. It will be left to the Israeli voter to decide how far he and she are ready to be gulled again when they go to the polls in February.
*********Not officially translated********
NASIC - This document was processed by the Information Exploitation Squadron, National Air & Space Intelligence Center (NASIC/DAK), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio And can be found in NASIC’s Textual Information System
Originator: Anatoliy KULIKOV
Distribution : Not Applicable KT: Air-Space Defense (Coden: VOOBA)
Russian Transmission Unedited Translation
Anatoliy KULIKOV
Principal striking power Navy of the USA - nuclear powered aircraft carriers.
The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) is at the center of world politics. The reason for this is the increasing military political ambitions of Teheran, which alarms the world community.
These ambitions are based on ideological postulate Khomeini, financial and economic, and also military factors. In last year Iran, projecting as energy donor of many world powers, found a comparatively significant financial and economic power.
This became the base for president Makhmud Akhmadinezhad's that to state about Iran as about the world center of Islamic civilization as about the firm champion for the ideals of Islam, and unite all Moslems against global Zionism and American imperialism as the super-power of region.
Under the banner of Khomeinism and with the leadership of the presidential grouping of the Shiite radicals of the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) in the political- ideological plan returns to the first years Islamic of revolution.
The radicalization of the clerical regime in Iran from the moment of controlling authority Makhmud Aakhmadinejad, perseverance in the realization of suspicious and questionable nuclear program, are unprecedented the militarization of the country, stirring up anti-Semitism, explicit fight against Palestinian-Israeli peace process - here the addend politicians of the present regime of IRI. This direct manner is connected with three political positions of Teheran, that cause special uneasiness.
The first. The creation of industrial infrastructure capable of producing a nuclear weapon. Talking about the process of uranium enrichment by means of centrifuges and production of plutonium in a heavy reactor, built in Arak. (THE EXACT REPLICA OF USING MORE WATER JUST LIKE THE RUSSIAN ONES)
At present in Iran in a uranium enrichment plant in Natanz they actively operate 12 cascade centrifuges in 164 units. "The multipurpose nuclear-powered submarines Navy of the USA, equipped with the cruise underwater-launched missiles of the type “Tomakhok”, are powerful means for the impact on the coastal targets of potential enemy." QUOTED TEXTS
In the photograph - APL OF SSN755 “of Miami” during the exercises in the Arabian sea. (SORRY NO PHOTOGRAPH)
That is, approximately up to 2000 centrifuges. It is planned to bring their number first to three, then it is more than to 54 thousand according to the data of nuclear physicists, for the production of highly concentrated enriched uranium (order 90% enrichment) on 164 centrifuges for several atomic bombs are required more than decades. During the introduction into the operation of cascades into three thousand centrifuges this period is shortened up to one year. With the work of 54 thousand centrifuges it is possible to be packed in several weeks. Iran already tested the method of uranium enrichment to the level, with which it is possible to use in nuclear weapon. (THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE CAPACITY -- CONTINUE BELOW AFTER THE QUOTE)
Concerning the constructed Arak reactor with a power of 40 Mega, in the opinion of the scientist- nuclear physicists, with its help in the year it is possible to carry out plutonium filling for two bombs. In the opinion of the specialists, the nuclear program of Iran is the harassing fact, which threatens the mode of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. (THIS IS WHEN THEY GOT HELPED FROM THE NORTH KOREANS -- THE NORTH KOREANS HAVE A 50 MEGA POWER PROCESSOR REACTOR)
The second. Rocket program. In the opinion of the specialists for the rocket armament, at present is most the dynamically developing branch in Iran is the missile industry. The leadership of the country sets for itself as a goal to create by 2009. the most powerful rocket arsenal in the region. At present Iranian VS are armed with of rocket “Shekhab-3” with the flying range to 2 thousand km the pricking up ears factor it is the fact that actively developing its rocket technologies, Teheran categorically rejects to recognize the international mode of the control of rocket technologies.
The third. Support of radical Islamic groupings. Iranian help to religious extremists beyond the line carries the vseobemlyushchiy nature:
Financing, diplomatic and political support, the preparation for ideological and military personnel, delivery of armament, military equipment, ammunition and equipment, and also humanitarian deliveries. This concerns, first of all such organizations and combat groups as “the Hezbollah”, Hamas, “Islamic Jihad”, and also the Iraqi Shiite groupings (first of all, “Makhdi Army” of Islamic radical al Sadr), which are struggled with the coalition forces and the official government of Iraq.
Undoubtedly, the world community disturb the questions, connected from current political leadership the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran), in which nuclear problem occupies priority place. Iran does not desire to answer all questions of the IAEA. The complete, comprehensive and truthful communications from the Iranian side could guarantee the absence of military component or elements of the dual purpose in the nuclear program the IRI.
The high-ranking officials of many countries are included in the solution of this problem, several international organizations. No longer one year continues the process of calls for the purpose to convince Iran to satisfy requirements the IAEA, the UN Security Council and to guarantee the absence of military component in his nuclear program.
At present the international community in the person of the UN Security Council, IAEA and “six” country- negotiators on Iran (the constants of the UN Security Council and Germany) requires of Teheran as the measure for the creation of confidence to the peaceful directivity of its nuclear program to introduce moratorium to the works on uranium enrichment. This would become base for the telephone-box process, which would solve problem in the interests of both Iran and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons as a whole.
“Six” with respect to Iran operate in two parallel directions.
The first: it continues to discuss further possible sanctions against Iran.In this case the active phase of the consideration of the content of the new anti-Iranian resolution of the UN Security Council.
The second: simultaneously with this within the frames of the same process “six” proposes the universal packet of stimuli, including help in the realization of peaceful nuclear program and measure for the granting to Iran of access to the International markets and investments. However, Iran ignores all sentences of the UN Security Council and IAEA. Teheran rejects the resolutions of the UN Security Council, which draft to introduce moratorium to the works on uranium enrichment, which led to the stiffening of sanctions. The period of last resolution elapsed; but Iran did not satisfy its requirements.
At present by the UN Security Council is conducted the work on the following, by all appearances, an even more stiffening sanctions in the relation IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran). One should note that to those operating at this time to financial and economic measures against the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) has already been connected the almost 80 countries, which by very negatively affects the development of the economy of ran and respectively, at the standard of living of population.
The gasoline crisis, which struck the country became the index of the complication of economic position in the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) by past summer. In the capital of Iran the disorders, caused by the introduction of rationing gasoline, occurred. Economists, in that number and Iranian, do not doubt, that the crisis became the result of the ineffective policy of President Akhmadinezhad's government.
Economic situation in the country deteriorated in two years of its presidency. Thus, in the present year an inflation rate will compose 19% against 16% in 2007. Prices of the basic products of feed grew two or three. The cost of the lease of dwelling grew two. The unemployment rate, according to the different evaluations, composes 11% according to official data and 30% by subject of the World Bank. On its span expressed itself recently at the council session regarding the expediency of the decisions adopted its head, former President of the country the Ali- Akbar Khashemi Rafsanjani, after naming this national calamity. In turn, personal representative ayatollah Khameni into the province Koch -kiluye and Baerakhmad of ayatollah Karamatola Maleki-Khosseini expressed warning
88 AEROSPACE DEFENSE of №1 38 2008 “The enemies of Iran cannot cause harm to the matter of Islamic revolution, and in a nuclear question they mobilized all their forces in order not to allow the transformation of Iran into the nuclear country. But you will look, in what they now position, and in what position Iranian people”.Makhmud Akhmadinezhad, the President of the Islamic republic of Iran
Pro-Hamas & Hezbollah Hate Rallies in the U.S.
Rather than simply take issue with the battle in Gaza, demonstrators in Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Anaheim, Houston and other cities repeatedly have engaged in ugly hate speech and chants that echo the goals and dogma of Hamas and other terrorist groups.
Fistfights and chants calling for the murder of Jews and invoking the Holocaust expose the true motivation behind distressingly large segments of the protesters. After all, the conflict Israel wages is against Hamas, a terrorist organization whose charter contains virulent anti-Semitism, calls for Israel's destruction and rejects any peaceful settlement to the conflict.
As this video clearly shows, radical, hateful attacks have been prominent in rallies across the country.
However, one should not be surprised at all that Muslims openly call for the death to the Jews. The Koran implicitly calls every believer to kill Jews, Christians, and all non-believers of Islam wherever they can be found. Maybe these public demonstrations will bring this evil instruction to the notice of the public who will see once and for all the undesrability of allowing these people to settle in a country of laws and liberties. A country that does not praise death, but encourages life.
Here are some of the thousands of hateful verses that call for the killing of all non-muslims! So, it is time you on the far left wake up and very soon or we will loose a city, guarantee!
"Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them." (Qur'an 2:191-2)
"Allah will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, and smite their necks and fingers." (Qur'an 8:12)
"Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you" (Qur'an 9:123)
"Smite the necks of the disbelievers whenever you fight against them. Those who die fighting for Allah will be rewarded." (Qur'an 47:4)
"If you refuse to fight for Allah, he will punish you with a painful doom." (Qur'an 48:16)
What do all of the following have in common?
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM)
Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
Tanzim Qa'idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (QJBR)
al-Qaida in Iraq (formerly Jama'at al-Tawhid wa'al-Jihad, JTJ, al-Zarqawi Network)
al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (formerly GSPC now AQIM)
Ansar al-Islam
Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
Asbat al-Ansar
Gamaa al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group)
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
Hizballah (Party of God)
Islamic Jihad Group
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) (Army of Mohammed)
Jemaah Islamiya organization (JI)
al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
ETC. ETC. and the list continues...
All of the above and many more have one thing in common, ISLAM
Do you know where Sderot is?
No More!!
Enough is Enough!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
"Through Hamas, al-Qaida is entering the Gaza Strip," Abbas.
Abbas: Hamas supporting al-Qaida in Gaza, Fatah will not negotiate.
By Reuters 10/07/2007
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday Hamas is protecting al-Qaida and allowing it to gain a foothold in Gaza. Hamas, which seized control of the Gaza Strip last month after routing forces loyal to the secular Abbas, has been criticized by al-Qaida's number second in command, Ayman al-Zawahri, who had accused it of serving U.S. interests. "Through Hamas, al-Qaida is entering the Gaza Strip," Abbas.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I frankly don't have a clue why some Jews/Christians and any rational person who is a non-believer of any religion have been brainwashed that Obama is a good candidate for them.
Here is a piece of information for you YOU WON'T GET IN THE MEDIA....
As you all know, the Los Angeles Times is holding hostage a tape of Barack Obama at a 2003 Arab American Action Network (AAAN) dinner at which his friends, Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, and Bernadine Dohrn were in attendance.
It's the story I started when Los Angeles Times plagiarist/"reporter" Peter Wallsten ripped off my January column on Barack Obama's Nation of Islam staffers and friendship with AAAN founder Ali Abunimah
But here's what you haven't yet heard: that a kids' dance troupe that appeared at the event has a history of simulating beheadings and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags
Sanabel AlQuds Dance Troupe with Sword Beheading Accessories
Reports of the partial guest list at the 2003 dinner include "the Sanabel Debka troupe", but the group's name is really "Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe." Sanabel means "grains" or "kernels" (of wheat or barley) in Arabic.
AlQuds, or "The Holy", is the Muslim name for Jerusalem, which is ripped-off from the eternal Hebrew name for Jerusalem, "Ir Kadosh", or Holy City
The Milwaukee-based Muslim kids dancing troupe purports to perform the debka, a Middle-Eastern step-dance. But this group, made up of mostly Palestinian Muslims and under the auspices of the Milwaukee Muslim American Society does far more in its "performance. " And it's frightening to say the least
In June 2004, I went undercover and attended a Dearborn fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, the Muslim Brotherhood charity that is a front for HAMAS and Al-Qaeda.
The event was MC'ed by Rayed Tayeh, who orchestrated the Starbucks Coffee boycott and who is believed to be a HAMAS operative
Sanabel AlQuds performed to songs calling for martyrdom to "get back Palestine." The kids were young boys, some of them appearing to be no older than seven years old
But they didn't just dance the debkah
Suddenly the Sanabel AlQuds dancers pulled out fake swords and rifles and adorned three of their troupe respectively with an American, Isreaeli, and British flag. The others pretended to behead and/or shoot the boys wearing the flags. Then they put red scarves over the three boys heads, signifying blood and no head.
Then, the flags were taken off, thrown to the ground, and trampled on by this young group of Milwaukee dancers
This was on the Sunday that U.S. contractor Paul Johnson was found beheaded in Saudi Arabia and not long after Nicholas Berg and several other westerners were found beheaded in Iraq
Once I saw this "performance" I realized why there were signs all over saying, "No video equipment or cameras allowed. "
I wrote about this in 2004 in my review of "Fahrenheit 9/11", because it featured Obama surrogate John Conyers who was at the Sanabel AlQuds performance and just loved it
Take the June 13 Muslim American Society fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, a charity with links to the Muslim Brotherhood. Conyers and his wife were the guests of honor. They watched and clapped as the Sanabel AlQuds "dancing" troop from Milwaukee--featuring boys as young as seven--sang in Arabic of martyrdom and jihad for Allah and Palestine.
They didn't need to understand Arabic, as the young boys used a rifle to simulate killing and pistol-whipping, simulated throat-slittings and beheadings, and dishonored the American flag
Some pictures of Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe hint at some of this and show the kids dancing with swords (see above)
I also wrote about it in August 2006, because I'm sick and tired of the tens of millions the Mormon Church, the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, has been giving this group, Islamic Relief:
The evening's "entertainment" consisted of young boys--some apparently as young as seven--simulating beheadings and shootings of other young boys who donned the American, Israeli, and British flags. Then they put red scarves over their heads to symbolize blood . . .and no head
While I do not know if Sanabel AlQuds performed this particular "dance" for Barack and Michelle Obama and other guests at this dinner, I know that this was their performance in the summer of 2004, just a year after the dinner that is the subject of the videotape the Los Angeles Times will not release. It may be that this same "act" was performed for the Obamas, but that it was not part of the tape, which would be why L.A. Times plagiarist/"reporter" Peter Wallsten did not write about it
Still, why is Barack Obama hanging out with young kids who simulate beheadings of Americans and Jews on a regular basis?
Maybe they can perform their unique, halal version of the debka at an Inaugural Ball. I'm sure the Secret Service would make an allowance for the swords . . .
for the sake of political correctness
h/t http://www.%20debbieschlussel.%20com/archives/2008/10/exclusive_dance.%20html
Here is clip of what they were probably showing.... I'm only speculating, but this clip is very light and it really doesn't show beheadings, but it shows some people before getting decapitated by islam's knife. A simulation of beheading dancers??? What's next? I believe it. Most muslim feed on those images. For them it's all about killing and more killing and then they show their killings, especially beheadings in all of their sites and all of their training camps/mosques.
And if you think about it, Odinga, Obama's cousin, had no problem killing hundred's of people in Kenya, (including burning churches).
Oh and Obama did help his cousin Odinga financially, as well as in the campaign trail for when Odinga ran as an islamic militant in Kenya. This went on until last year 2007. And people don't know this, of course. Put in youtube's search box "Obama and Odinga" and you'll be able to see some pieces of the puzzle. The media is simply our enemy. To tell the truth is almost a crime. We need to rely on any other source than the media/printed press. Someone like Obama should never run for president, but should run from authorities for all the corruption he has committed. End of story.
A simulation of beheading dancers??? Formidable!
Here are more....
What every Jewish, Christian, and non-religious people should know
Anti-Semic Obama
The Video Barack Obama doesn't want you to see Part 1
The Video Barack Obama doesn't want you to see Part 2
[Extreme WARNING - but I am sick of hiding the truth!]
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saudi Arabia's Infiltration in Our Education System
Look at What's Going On in Our Universities
Founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, MSA was named in a May 1991 Muslim Brotherhood memorandum as one of the Brotherhoods likeminded "organizations of our friends" who shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation... These "friends" were described by the Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims "that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands ... so that ... God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions"
In its earliest days, MSA was financed largely by Saudi Arabia. In return, says a February 2008 New York Times piece, the organization's leaders "pushed the kingdom's puritan, Wahhabi strain of Islam" In the 1960s and 70s, adds the Times piece, MSA chapters "advocated theological and political positions derived from radical Islamist organizations and would brook no criticism of Saudi Arabia"
From its inception, MSA had close links with the extremist Muslim World League, whose chapters' websites have featured not only Osama bin Laden's propaganda, but also publicity-recruiting campaigns for Wahhabi subversion of the Chechen struggle in Russia. According to author and Islam expert Stephen Schwartz, MSA is a key lobbying organization for the Wahhabi sect of Islam...(al-Qaeda is Wahhabi)
MSA solicited donations for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, whose assets the US government seized in December 2001 because that organization was giving financial support to the terrorist group Hamas. MSA also has strong ties to the World Assembly of Muslim Youth...
Charging that US foreign policy is driven by militaristic imperialism, MSA steadfastly opposes the American military incursions into both Afghanistan and Iraq. The organization also follows the Arab propaganda line in the Middle East conflict and has condemned the anti-terrorist security fence that Israel has built in the West Bank as an illegal "apartheid wall" that violates the civil and human rights of Palestinians...
Charging that US foreign police is driven by militaristic imperialism??? THEN WHAT IS THIS??? WATCH!!
An influential member of the International ANSWER steering committee, MSA maintains a large presence at ANSWER-sponsored anti-war demonstrations... The pro-North Korea, pro-Saddam Hussein ANSWER is a front organization of the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. (Yes the Marxist and Islamist are best friends and have been for decades now here in our homeland, but I wonder which ideology, that BTW are completely incompatible, will an Obama administration push for more)
Local chapters of MSA were signatories to a February 20, 2002 document, composed by the radical group Refuse & Resist (a creation of the Revolutionary Communist Party's C Clark Kissinger), condemning military tribunals and the detention of immigrants apprehended in connection with post-9/11 terrorism investigations.
The document read, in part: "[T]hey [the U.S. government] are coming for the Arab, Muslim and South Asian immigrants... The recent 'disappearances,' indefinite detention, the round-ups, the secret military tribunals, the denial of legal representation, evidence kept a secret from the accused, the denial of any due process for Arab, Muslim, South Asians and others, have chilling similarities to a police state.
MSA strongly opposes the Patriot Act, which it describes as an "infamous" piece of legislation.. The organization's chapters across the United States have similarly denounced virtually every other national security initiative implemented by the US government since the 9/11 attacks...
MSA chose not to endorse or participate in the May 14, 2005 "Free Muslims March Against Terror," an event whose stated purpose was to "send a message to the terrorists and extremists that their days are numbered ... [and to send] a message to the people of the Middle East, the Muslim world and all people who seek freedom, democracy and peaceful coexistence that we support them" Do you guys know that every islamic organization here in the States, i.e. ISNA, WAMY, MOA, CAIR, IIIP, NAIC, MSA, IDB (not the Inter-American Development Bank, but the Islamic Development Bank), ETC. ETC. ETC. hundreds of them, were all invited to march against terror. ALL OF THEM DECLINED!
For more info visit
How many Madrassas do you think we have here in the US?
How many other schools do you think will be using –AND ARE USING—these textbooks as part of their curriculum here in the US?
Here are some stats:
Muslim Population Growth (Source: U.S. Religious Landscape Survey Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, June 2008)
Most Muslims in America - 65% were born elsewhere and more than 70% immigrated to the US since the late 1980's
Total Muslim population today: 4.7 million 1.4% of population (3.8 million are over the age of 18 and 900,000 are under) IN THE UK, WHERE THEY HAVE DECLARED SHARIA COMPATIBLE WITH THEIR COURTS, THE MUSLIM POPULATION IS ONLY 2.2%
Before 1986 - 11%
1986 - 1992 - 14 %1992 - 2007 - 49%
TOTAL 4.7 million
*90% of Muslims in America go strictly by Sunnah and Qur'an teachings -- It is estimated that Muslims in America represent a higher percentage of the extreme Wahhabi sect of Islam.
Growth of Mosques in America since 1992 - THE NUMBER OF MOSQUES HAS MORE THAN DOUBLED SINCE 1992.
1992 - 962 Mosques
2000 - 1,597 Mosques
2008 - 2,100+ Mosques
35% of Muslims in America are native-born
Foreign-born Muslims in America 65%
Arab Regions (25%); Pakistan (14%); South Asia (9%); Europe (4%); Iran (1%); Africa (7%); Other (4%)
Source: Muslim Americans: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream Pew Research Center, May 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Obama Supports His Own Cousin Odinga, an Islamic Militant From Kenya Who Killed Approx. 1,000 People
Barack Obama has a cousin in Kenya he almost never talks about, but whom everyone in Kenya knows. His name is Raila Odinga... Watch before they delete this video too!
This pact (actually shown in the video), calls for the establishment of a "safe haven" for terrorists in Kenya, the imposition of Sharia (Islamic) law, and the outlawing of public Christianity in Kenya....
Barack Obama has supported Odinga in spite of (or perhaps because of) this Islamic pact, and continues to support Odinga in his aims, even though Odinga lost the recent elections...
Let's see....
Obama supported and still supports:
The imposition of Sharia (Islamic) law
Outlawing of public Christianity
His cousin, Raila Odinga, an islamic militant, who killed over 1,000 people and displaced 350,000....
What's next???
Oh and did I mention that Obama's own brother, George in Kenya lives in a mud hut with very little to eat, if any.... (Lives on less than $1 a month)
... And they still try to bash Palin's family and they have brought to the masses lies, NOTHING BUT LIES, but yet they haven't shown this about OBAMA!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Obama's Brother in Kenya says: "I am ashamed of my brother -- Don't even mention the surname"
The George Obama Compassion Fund
Help Obama's Half-Brother Move Out of His Hut
The biggest scandal of the election campaign is going unreported, for the most part, by the mainstream newspapers and TV shows. Imagine if John McCain or Sarah Palin had a half-brother who was living in a hut. Imagine if McCain, a multimillionaire, did nothing to help the guy. Imagine if McCain came to the convention and spoke incessantly about compassion and how he was inspired by the biblical mandate: we are our brothers' keepers! This would be the lead story on the evening news.
So why aren't the networks covering the fact that Barack Obama's half-brother George lives in a 6 by 10 foot hut in the slums of Kenya? It took a reporter for the Italian edition of Vanity Fair to locate George Obama.
Obama noted that when he met his famous half-brother in 2006 “we spoke for just a few minutes. It was like meeting a complete stranger.”
George Obama also told the magazine that “I live here on less than a dollar month,” and “if anyone says something about my surname, I say we are not related. I am ashamed.”
Obama has done absolutely nothing to help his unfortunate half-brother.
Apparently alarmed that this report could hurt Obama, CNN dispatched one of its reporters to do cover-up work for the Obama campaign. This is a hopeless enterprise; anyone who sees pictures of George Obama's dwelling place on the web knows that they reveal the worst images of African poverty. Moreover, for all its propagandistic intent, the CNN report is unintentionally damaging to Obama. The reporter cannot hide the fact that George Obama comes from a "ramshackled slum." A neighbor tells CNN that Barack Obama really should connect with his half-brother and "see how he's living" and do what he can to "improve our way of life."
CNN attempts to portray George Obama as a self-reliant fellow who doesn't want any help. The network quotes him saying, "I was brought up well. I live well even now." George, however, speaks in a halting voice; he is trying to maintain his self-image. George also says, "I'm Kenyan...I would love to live in Kenya." Presumably George gave this answer to a question asking whether he'd like to move to the United States with Barack Obama's help. These answers, however, in no way suggest that George doesn't want Barack Obama's intervention to relieve his grinding poverty. A man's effort to maintain his dignity should not be exploited to pretend that he doesn't want a helping hand.
When I posted on my AOL blog about George Obama last week, the Obama apologists could do no better than to say that Barack Obama doesn't owe his half-brother anything. But sibling assistance is not a matter of debt. Rather, it is a matter of family values and compassion. Obama has cited as his favorite Bible verse Jesus's statement: whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. It seems that the Republican allegation that this man is full of pretense and empty words--in other words, a modern-day Pharisee--is more than justified.
Obama may not want to help his 26 year old half-brother, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't.
I'm starting the George Obama Compassion Fund which has the goal of raising some money to help George Obama move out of his one-room hut. George also wants to become a mechanic and surely he could use some funds to get the training he needs to fulfill his humble aspirations. Currently George lives on a few dollars a month. Even a few thousand dollars would completely transform this man's life.
I'm putting up $1000 to get this fund started. I invite people to send me small contributions--$5, $10, $25, whatever you can spare. Send them to P.O. Box 3384, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067. Make your checks to "George Obama." I will then contact the Obama campaign and offer them the money on the condition that they forward it to George Obama in Kenya. The advantage of this approach is that not only does George Obama benefit from our generosity, but also Barack Obama can use the opportunity to improve his relationship with his half-brother. Let's foster Obama family values, and give a break to a guy who really needs it.
Hat/Tip Infidels Bloggers Alliance
Monday, September 8, 2008
Russia Vs. Georgia
Georgia’s Ancient Quandary
Nothing in this world happens in a vacuum. When we discuss the momentous events unfolding in Georgia and the implications in geopolitics, we are only scratching the surface behind the “why.” Why did Georgia feel it necessary to challenge a great power and try to wrestle South Ossetia back into their control? Why is Russia so keen to interfere? Before we can fully understand the actions of individuals or of nations, we first have to understand who they are. I firmly believe that you are where you come from. So ... where does Georgia come from?
What most people don’t realize is that Georgia is an ancient civilization that rivals that of Mesopotamia or China. Their civilization began millenniums ago. If there were a people set on conquest in the old world, you can bet that Georgia’s ancestors met them on a field of battle. The success or failure of a battle meant the difference between your sovereignty, or your servitude to a conquering and often cruel principality.
The Georgians knew the ancient Greeks and the Hittites; the Medes and the Persians; the Celts also called the Phryglans and/or Mushki; the ancient Cimmerians and the Assyrians. The fought Alexander the Great and Caesar’s Roman Empire. Later by default, they were part of the Byzantine Empire. They were defeated by the Mongols and fought holy wars. Crusades and Jihad were known to them as they were fought on their farms and in their cities. In the wake of the collapsing Byzantine empire they were a rising power. They pushed the Seljuk Turks out of their lands. Then while outnumbered, they proudly crushed the resultant Jihad declared by the Seljuk Sultan Mahmud. But the fortunes of war against the Islamic sea would not always go well.
Two new Islamic Powers arose nearly simultaneously to the South and Southeast. The Ottoman Empire, and the Persian Safavid Empire. The Kingdom of Georgia would fracture into smaller kingdoms named after dominant Georgian Tribes, as the Ottomans and Safavids divided Georgia into regions of influence between them. Georgia’s population was in severe decline as they lived under barbarous conditions of butchery and extreme jizya taxation. They were an Island of Christendom nearly cut off from the rest of the Christian world. They were ragged and desperately poor. But there was one last hope. There was a new Christian power emerging to the North; Imperial Russia. And it was to them that they turned to for help. For Georgia’s survival, they would make a deal with the Devil!

3000 BC
While the earliest occupation of present day Georgia goes back about 1.8 million years ago, the dolmens of Abkhazia are dated to about 3000 BC. These would become part of the Colchain culture.

With Georgia uniquely situated south of the Caucasus Mountains along the Silk Road and between the Black and Caspian Seas, if there were an ancient conquering race you can safely bet that they at one time or other met them on a battlefield. Their geographic location acts as a funnel, forcing migrating people through their land.

The Silk Road

The two main tribes and later Kingdoms that would form into modern Georgia are Colchis and Iberia. Even with multiple invasions, the two main legs of Georgia would somehow manage to retain their culture.

The Hittites, the Medes and Persians, the Cimmerians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Mongols, they knew them all.

Whether the empire began in the South with the Parthians, the West with the Macedonians, the East with the Mongols, or the North with the Russians; Georgia has always managed to find itself either near, inside, or partially inside their borders.

830-1010(The map shows 1020, however at 1010 the map should look different.)
Through many conflicts, Islam had begun to displace the Christian Kingdoms which had converted in 327.

1001-1010 Georgia is consolidated under one throne for the first time.
The first united Georgian monarchy was formed at the end of the 10th century when Curopalate David invaded the Earldom of Kartli-Iberia. Three years later, after the death of his uncle Theodosius the Blind, King of Egrisi-Abkhazia, Bagrat III inherited the Abkhazian throne from his mother. In 1001 Bagrat inherited Tao-Klarjeti (Curopalatinate of Iberia), adding it to his domain as a result of his father David’s (there's a lot of Davids in this history) death. In 1008-1010, Bagrat annexed Kakheti and Ereti, thus becoming the first king of a united Georgia in both the east and west.

1118-1119 The Reconquista of Georgia under King David, "The Builder"

1089-1125 King David the Builder
King David takes the throne at 16 years of age and reorganizes the Army. He launches a campaign to retake Georgia from the Suljuk Turks, at one point being aided indirectly by the first Crusade. When pushing out the Turks, there was a vacuum left. He invited 40000 Kipchak warriors from Alania to move with their families to Georgia. The ruler of Alania recognized himself as King David's vassal. Eventually this land would become South Ossetia.
In 1121, the Seljuk Sultan Mahmud declared Jihad on Georgia and sent a strong army under one of his famous generals Ilghazi to fight the Georgians. Although significantly outnumbered by the Turks, the Georgians managed to defeat the invaders at the Battle of Didgori, and in 1122 they took over Tbilisi, making it Georgia’s capital.

1184-1213 Georgia's Golden Age under Queen Tamar's rule

1184-1213 Queen Tamar
With the temporary fall of the Byzantine Empire due to the Fourth Crusade sacking Constantinople, Georgia becomes the pre-eminent power in the region. Queen Tamar takes advantage of this and adds more territory that had been under the control of the Byzantine Empire. Oddly enough, at the same time they remain relatively cordial as they shared many of the same enemies.
According to the Georgian chronicles, Queen Tamar granted the lordship over part of Abkhazia to the Georgian princely family of Shervashidze. According to traditional accounts, they were an offshoot of the Shirvanshahs (hence allegedly comes their dynastic name meaning "sons of Shirvanese" in Georgian). The ascendancy of this dynasty (later known also as Chachba by the Abkhaz form of their surname) in Abkhazia would last until the Russian annexation in the 1860s.

Byzantine Empire still receding
While I could not find an exact date for this map, it falls into this general time frame. I included this map only to demonstrate the relative weakness of a once great empire. The incessant Islamic crusades were taking their toll.

1206-1294 Mongol Hoard
Abkhazia was relatively spared from the Mongol and Timur's invasions, which terminated Georgia's "golden age". As a result, the kingdom of Georgia fragmentize into several independent or semi-independent entities by the late 15th century. The Principality of Abkhazia was one of them. They remained Georgian in culture but would begin to change when they later came under Ottoman Influences.
Under similar circumstances, the East Slavic tribes that were Imperial Russia's roots also fell under the same Mongol Hoard. When they were conquered, the cultural center was around Kievan Rus'(major cities were Smolensk and Kiev) in modern day Ukraine; when they would reemerge, the cultural center would shift to the principality of Moscow, where the Russian empire was born. At an epic pace, Russia would extend their lands to the Pacific and wrest land away in the Northern Wars to establish ST Petersburg. Then south the the Caucasus looking for a warm water port. They were delighted to find Georgia. This was the beginning of their Black Sea fleet which would be a source of national pride for centuries.

1220-45 Georgia is decimated by the Mongol hoard

The period between 1259 and 1330 was marked by the struggle of the Georgians against the Mongol Ilkhanate for full independence. The first anti-Mongol uprising started in 1259 under the leadership of King David Narin who in fact waged his war for almost thirty years. The Anti-Mongol strife went on under the Kings Demeter II (1270 - 1289) and David VIII (1293 - 1311). Finally, it was King George the Brilliant (1314 - 1346) who managed to play on the decline of the Ilkhanate, stopped paying tribute to the Mongols, restored the pre-1220 state borders of Georgia, and returned the Empire of Trebizond into Georgia’s sphere of influence.
After the Mongolian wars, Georgia never fully recovered. Even though they had beaten back the Mongols, their old enemies to the south lay in wait. The onslaught would be brutal under the banner of Islam.
In 1386-1403 the Kingdom of Georgia faced eight Turco-Mongolic invasions under the leadership of Tamerlane. Except in Abkhazia and Svanetia, the invasions devastated Georgia's economy, population, and urban centers.
Constantinople had finally fallen to the Islamic Ottoman Turks in 1453, completely sealing off Georgia from the rest of Christendom. In 1501 a new Muslim power, Safavid Persia arose to the southeast. Georgia faced not one empire in it’s weakened state, but two. In 1555 the Ottomans and the Safavid’s divided up Georgia into spheres of influence between them under the “Peace of Amasa” pact. Between the slaughter from the Persians and the excessive jiza tax, Georgia found themselves impoverished and ragged. With several millennia of culture behind them, it is doubtful Georgia could have survived without outside help.
Imperial Russia, a new Christian power, was emerging to the north. with the neighbors Georgia had known for a millennia vanished from the map, with their own population in sever decline; they would eventually turn to the Russians for help. They would soon discover that the trade for their survival demanded a heavy toll -bondage.
Under Ottoman Rule, Abkhazia, called Imereti in this map, became the center of piracy and the slave trade. The Ottoman navy occupied the fort city of Tskhumi, renaming it Sukhumi. Under this Muslim influence, Abkhazia culturally began to grow apart from the rest of Georgia.

1762-1798 King Erekle II ofKartli and Kakheti
Finally, King Erekle II of Kartli and Kakheti turned to Russia for help. The Russian empress Catherine the Great was keen to have a new ally against the Turks who she was currently at odds with. After signing the Treaty of Georgievsk in 1783, she sent a token army to assist. At one point, during the Russo-Turkish War in 1787, Russia pulled it’s army out of Georgia to fight elsewhere against the Turks. With the Russian troops gone, the Persian shah Agha Mohammed Khan invaded Georgia in 1795 and burnt Tablisi to the ground. Despite this, the Georgians continued to depend on Russia.

With the death of King Erkle II, there was a dispute over who should inherit the throne and one of the contestants requested assistance from Russia. The Russians under Tsar Paul I, responded by annexing Georgia on Jan 8, 1801. Later that year, the annexation was confirmed by Tsar Alexander I on September 12, 1801. Georgian envoy, Garsevan Chavchavadze lodged a protest in Saint Petersburg (Russian Capital at the time). The Russians responded by dethroning the Georgian heir to the throne, David Batonishvili and deploying General Ivan Petrovich Lasarev to act as the governor.
Russia fought against the Turks and the Persians eventually wresting all of Georgia back from them. In 1864 the Russian dominance over Abkhazia was fully established when they exiled the pro-Turkish prince of Abkhazia, the house established by Queen Tamar, Michael Sherashidze (Chachba), to Russia where he soon died.
Despite the fact Georgia had lost it’s independence, Russia did much to help Georgia by pushing the Muslims back out. When the Turkish navy landed in 1877, it instigated the second Abkhaz revolt. As a result, the Russians responded harshly. Fully 60% of the Muslim Abkhaz population became Muhajirs and fled to Ottoman possessions. The few that remained were declared a refugee population. Even with the Ottoman influence and before the Russian crackdown following the revolt, 2/3 of the people in Abkhazia were still ethnic Mingrelian Georgians.
It wasn’t until the Communists took over that this Georgian majority would be threatened under Stalin’s (a Georgian) forced 5 year resettlement plan (diversification). This resulted in the resettlement of Russians, Armenians and even Georgians into the existing Abkhaz. The 2700 year old Greek population from before Alexander the Great was completely deported in a single night.
Georgian Prince Iakob Chavchavadze and Prince Bagrationi-Mukhraneli

Georgia, while still under the last of the Tsars, would experience a reawakening of their nationalism. This happened under the leadership of Prince Llia Chavchavadze, world renowned poet, novelist and orator. His struggle for a national awakening was welcomed by the leading Georgian intellectuals of that time such as Giorgi Tsereteli, Ivane Machabeli, Akaki Tsereteli, Niko Nikoladze, Alexander Kazbegi and Iakob Gogebashvili. The Georgian inteligencia's support for Prince Chavchavadze and Georgian independence is based in the millenniums old connection between the land and it’s people, shown in this declaration:
"Our patriotism is of course of an entire different kind: it consists solely in a sacred feeling towards our mother land: ... in it there is no hate for other nations, no desire to enslave anybody, no urge to impoverish anybody. Out patriots desire to restore Georgia's right to self-government and their own civic rights, to preserve their national characteristics and culture, without which no people can exist as a society of human beings."
It is this passion that the Soviets had to respect. Under the Soviet Empire, Georgia was granted semi-autonomy. Georgia became the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR). South Ossetia and Abkhazia were granted semi-autonomy from Georgia, while still under the Georgian administration. It would remain this way until the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was not because the Soviet Union could no longer suppress it’s people. It collapsed because it could no longer compete with the Capitalist Nations of the West, primarily the United States. This, despite the fact the Russians had spies collecting data from every corner of our nation, from the technology sectors, to the military, to the government. In exasperation, Michael Gorbachev let the worms out of the can and no one could put them back in. Perestroika (restructuring) and Glasnost (openness) resulted in the revolts of all the satellite Soviet nations beginning with Poland. Within months, the Soviet Empire would dissolve.
Rose Revolution

Georgia’s long awaited dream finally came true. Georgia declared it’s independence on April 9, 1991, and with the Rose Revolution, Georgia ushered in a new era of Democracy.
The Russian history of over 600 years had seen nothing but expansion. No land was ever lost despite taking it on the chin in some of their wars. When the Communists came to power, it was in many ways, a revolution inside of a revolution. The original plan under Lenin was never what it turned out to be under Stalin. But the Socialist policies turned out to be a complete failure, so Stalin took it even further to the Left when the Communists came to power. The extreme central planning and forced communal government owned housing, and all areas of the economy under strict centralized control was no match for the freewheeling Western capitalist system. The very same “evil” system that evolved from the Monarchs, capitalism. Even with limited success with extending dominance over East Europe, the Soviet communist system itself was rotten at the core. For the first time ever, Russia (USSR) lost land.
The humiliation is something a Westerner can only imagine. All the territory gained by the very system of government they so deeply despised, was lost by the Bolsheviks! Adding to this humiliation is the fact that many of the breakaway Republics refused to join the newly created Commonwealth of Independent States. (CIS) Adding to this the fact that one “Superpower,” that held deep respect with the world was suddenly revealed to be completely impoverished. They couldn’t even afford to pay their own troops resulting in a massive sell-off of stolen soviet military equipment. How low can a superpower fall?
But for Georgia, peace would not prevail. Minority areas of South Ossetia and Abkhazia flared up into their own separatist violence, supported by the Russians from the beginning for Georgia’s audacity to secede, despite Russia’s earlier help under Catherine the Great (Catherine II). While the violence in South Ossetia was originally quelled with 100,000 refugees fleeing into North Ossetia (Alania). The official disposition of this conflict was that it ended in a draw as only a cease fire was declared, with both sides having to appear at the Russian peace conference. But in a real sense, South Ossetia had won as they now had a defacto independent country. Abkhazia turned out even worse.
The Georgian government forces ran into paramilitaries from the North Caucasus and (allegedly) from Russian forces from a base in Gudauta. The Georgian government forces were soundly defeated. This catastrophic defeat lead to the entire Georgian population of 300,000 being forced to flee in the wake of the massacre of 14,000 Georgians. With the separatists success in Abkhazia, the insurgent Zviad Gamsakhurdia returned from exile and capitalized on the governments disarrayed forces. He overran western Georgia before the Russians openly intervened. For payment of Russian support, Georgia was obligated to join the CIS.
Adding to the problems in Georgia, the Russian war with their neighbor Chechnya, another break-away Republic, caused considerable friction between Russia and Georgia. Russia accused Georgia of harboring Chechen guerrillas. Further friction was caused by Shevardnadze's close relationship with the United States, which saw him as a counterbalance to Russian influence in the strategic Transcaucasus region.
Presidents George Bush and Mikheil Saakashvili

Adding to Moscow’s chagrin was Washington’s high-profile visit to Georgia. On 9-10 May 2005 Georgia was visited by the US President George W. Bush, who met Mikheil Saakashvili and a group of Georgian parliamentarians, and addressed tens of thousands of the Georgian people at Tbilisi Freedom Square.
Georgia became a major recipient of U.S. foreign and military aid, signed a strategic partnership with NATO and declared an ambition to join both NATO and the EU. In 2002, the United States sent hundreds of Special Operations Forces to train the Military of Georgia - a program known as the Georgia Train and Equip Program. Perhaps most significantly, the country secured a $3 billion project to build a pipeline carrying oil from Azerbaijan to Turkey via Georgia (the so-called "Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan" or BTC pipeline). In addition Georgia sent 2000 troops to Iraq to assist with the coalition military operations of those Georgia was trying to align and integrate with.
So now you have the big blow-up. So what really happened? This is what I believe.
1. Russia is still reeling over losing all their possessions with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
2. Russia’s two hundred year old relationship with Georgia makes them resent the fact that Georgia is pulling away from them and towards their old Cold War adversary.
3. Russia’s economy is stronger with the seizure of the Yukon Oil Company.
4. Europe receives 1/3 of their oil from Russia.
5. Russia accuses Georgia of supporting the separatives in Chechnya.
6. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ran for office on the pledge of restoring the break-away territories that had been Georgian for 5 millennia.
7. Russia was waiting with a pre-positioned force that would land from the Black Sea, opening up a second front from a different direction from where all Georgia's troops were. The logistics for this sort of landing is extensive. There is NO way the Russians could have pulled this mission together in a few days unless they had prepared for it in advance. That's not a guess, that's a physical fact. Consider that it's not just thousands of soldiers jumping on a boat. What about all the food to feed them? What about the water? What about the communications gear that needs to be set up in base stations? What about the re-supply of ammo that will be quickly used up? What about their personal gear? What about their vehicles? What about the fuel for those vehicles? Repair parts? See, it's the logistics that slow down a good tactical plan! It takes the US that long to do it with highly trained "Ready Reaction" airborne forces that can deploy anywhere in the world on short notice.
8. Russia had “peacekeepers” in South Ossetia that had sided with the separatives.
9. Russia had the rail connections necessary to reinforce the “peacekeepers” almost instantly. Most likely, those forces were also pre-positioned.
10. Russia was granting passports (not visas) and Russian citizenship to anyone in South Ossetia who wanted it.
11. Georgia has the most solid claim to South Ossetia than to Abkhazia. This would only intensify Georgia’s will to act.
12. Georgia had signed letters of intent and cooperation with Western powers that Georgia hoped would protect them.
13. Russia knows the US is tied up in Iraq and needs Russia for the issue with Iran.
14. Russia knows that Europe is dependent on them for oil. Does anyone remember Ronald Reagan’s disapproval of the first pipeline that was connected between Russia and Western Europe?
Considering these conditions I believe the actions of Georgia were provoked. The Russians did a calculated action to reestablish hegemony over their former satellite States. They knew that despite Georgia’s close alliance with the US and the West, we would be loath to take physical action. This lack of action would put serious doubts into the rest of the breakaway Republics. Exactly how much may they really be able to depend on our commitments of security to them?
With all the pieces in play, all Russia had to do was to have the South Ossetians start sniping at the Georgians in force. In order to prepare the world for decisive Russian action, they ran huge pieces in their own newspapers that charged Georgia with genocide. A claim that could not be backed up by independent sources. No one EVER accused the Russians of being poor Chess Players. I have every reason to believe that Russia had planned to go all the way to Tiblisi. I believe it was the threat of a new Cold War that made them blink. Now, instead of getting all of Georgia, they are going to settle for acknowledging the break-away territories, mostly in response to our recognition of Kosovo (which I believe was a colossal mistake.) What they were after they still may achieve with our relative inaction, hegemony over their old “stomping grounds,” and some semblance of respect.
"... I saw three letters a 'K' a 'G' and a 'B'"
McCain's Georgian prediction in 1999
A special thanks to Ben X